Student films on Random Acts Ignition Network
Two animated films created and directed by BA (Hons) Animation students have been selected for screening on the Channel 4 ‘Random Acts’ website. Described as a platform for ‘finding people who are breaking ground in the medium of film’, Random Acts ‘First Acts’ broadcasts work by 16-24 year olds. The two films, ‘Panoramic’ (Directed by Animation Year 3 student James Ivett) and ‘Tunnel Vision’ (directed by Animation Year 3 student Lila Babington) bought together NUA’s collaborative community to deliver the animations, with production teams including Fine Art and Film and Moving Image Production students led by Animation students and staff with production partners Screen South. Lila Babington’s film ‘Tunnel Vision’ is also selected for a screening showcase at the ICA London as part of the London Short Film Festival, with Lila joining the panel chaired by Variety’s Catherine Bray to give a special insight into her film and the First Acts network.
Post published: 25th January 2018
Last modified: 7th June 2021