7 student tips for managing stress
Feeling stressed with exams, revision or too many deadlines? Sometimes it can all feel overwhelming. Here, our students at NUA share their best tips to get you through the tough times.

1. Get Organised
“To feel the stress less I create a work timetable, as being able to plan out my week helps me to not get stressed. Knowing when to work and when to relax creates a good work/life balance.”
BA (Hons) Design for Publishing student

2. Exercise
“Exercise helps. Do something gentle like yoga, walking or pilates – even if it’s following a YouTube video or downloading the Couch to 5k app!”
MA Fine Art student

3. Talk it out
“Talk it out with friends and family! Most of your friends may be in a similar situation, and talking it out may reassure you. You can even work on tasks together to avoid the dreaded procrastination!”
BA (Hons) Fine Art student

4. Get enough sleep
“Look at your sleep patterns – try to sleep and wake at similar times as the routine really helps and can make you feel more eager to get up.”
BA (Hons) Animation student

5. Breathe
“Take a moment. Breathe. Then go and put the kettle on or go for a jog or shower. Doing something different like getting fresh air or making a brew and taking the time to just sit and enjoy it for 5 minutes without thinking about work has helped me countless times. Get your head out of the race for a moment to just be you!”
BA (Hons) Film and Moving Image Production student

6. Escape
“I think that one of the most important aspects of handling stress is to keep doing something that you enjoy throughout your studies. Take some time to grab a book, open a window and listen to some chill beats. Do something for you…give yourself an opportunity to just enjoy something without the worry of work or deadlines for a moment.”
BA (Hons) Games Art and Design student

7. Eat well
“I find it easier to manage stress if I look after my body well, through a varied diet and regular exercise.”
BA (Hons) Animation student
All artwork designed by Ruby Douglass, BA (Hons) Graphic Communication student.
Post published: 28th February 2020
Last modified: 28th March 2024