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Data Protection

Data protection at Norwich University of the Arts

Data protection legislation protects the rights of individuals when organisations process their data.

The University collects and manages personal information in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 and the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR).

Norwich University of the Arts is a registered data controller which means that we determine why and how personal data will be collected and used, either alone, or jointly with others.  Our handling of personal data is regulated by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

For advice and guidance on aspects of data protection, please email

Please view the University’s Data Protection Policy and Privacy Notices, below, to find out more about how we collect and use personal information.

Data Protection Policy (08/12/2022) (453k)

Privacy Notices

The University needs to collect and process personal information in order to provide services, manage its operations effectively, and meet legal requirements. We have a responsibility under data protection legislation to provide individuals with information about how we process their personal information. These privacy notices describe the ways we will collect, use and share personal information.

Alumni Privacy Notice (12/10/23) (212kb) Applicant and Student Privacy Notice (15/10/2023) (207kb) Job Applicant Privacy Notice (12/10/23) (197kb) Employee Privacy Notice (12/10/23) (207kb) Enquirer Privacy Notice (12/10/23) (201kb) Examiner Privacy Notice (12/10/23) (195kb) Business Contacts Privacy Notice (12/10/23) (196kb) Profile Privacy Notice (12/10/23) (197kb) Graduate Showcase Privacy Notice (12/10/23) (173kb) Publication of Student Work Privacy Notice (12/10/23) (174kb) Beyond the Frame Competition Privacy Notice (12/10/23) (194kb) Photography and Filming Privacy Notice (12/10/23) (181kb) Visiting Lecturer Privacy Notice (12/10/23) (167kb)

Website Privacy Notice

Cookies policy

The Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) is the official agency for the collection, analysis and dissemination of quantitative information about higher education in the UK.  On 4 October 2022 HESA merged with Jisc. HESA is now part of Jisc, a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee, registered in England (company number: 05747339; charity number: 1149740). This means that Jisc is now the data controller for all data sent to HESA.

The following notices explain why personal data has to be transferred to HESA/Jisc and what is done with your personal information after it has been submitted by the University:

Student Collection Notice

Staff Collection Notice

Graduate Outcomes Collection Notice

The Collection Notices also contain the contact details for HESA/Jisc for access requests to your information which is held by HESA/Jisc.

Request for personal information

Individuals have a right of access to their own personal data held by us. A request for all such information is called a Subject Access Request. If you wish to make a request please complete the form below. Guidance on how to complete and return the form is provided.

Student Subject Access Request Form (12/01/2023) (101kb) Staff Subject Access Request Form (12/01/2023) (103kb)

Do you have a Data Protection enquiry?

Please get in touch with our Data Protection Officer

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