Film directed by Animation graduate featured on BBC Introducing Arts
A short film directed by BA (Hons) Animation graduate Chris Dunleavy and lecturer Jon Dunleavy has been featured on BBC Introducing Arts.
The film, It’s Not The End of The World, depicts a botched attempt to take over the world by sentient technology. The creative duo describe the film as a comedy of error… messages.
Director Chris Dunleavy graduated from BA (Hons) Animation in 2013 and works in London with Agile Films, creating animation and VFX for music videos, commercials and short films. During his time as a student Chris experimented with a range of techniques which he still uses today, including motion graphics, CG building and animation and compositing visual effects into live action work.
BA (Hons) Animation lecturer Jon Dunleavy led the character design and story art, creating experiments for the weird and wonderful tech and the storyboards and animatic.
Watch the full film on BBC Introducing Arts.
Explore BA AnimationPost published: 2nd June 2020
Last modified: 4th June 2021