Four students shortlisted and one finalist in Graduate Fashion Week Awards
A total of four students from BA (Hons) Fashion and BA (Hons) Fashion Communication and Promotion have been shortlisted, with one student awarded a finalist spot in the annual Graduate Fashion Week Awards.
Emily Rose, BA Fashion, has been awarded a finalist slot in Accessories Award sponsored by YKK.
Emily’s bag designs form part of her final fashion collection, based around her experience of the 2020 UK lockdown.
Shortlisted students:
BA Fashion Communication and Promotion:
Emily Gilliatt – Fashion Photography Award
Cressida Sowerbutts – Fashion Publication Award
Gemma Shingles – Creative Direction and Styling Award
BA Fashion
Romilie Fraser – TU Challenge 21 Prize
You can explore the student’s final work on the NUA Graduate Showcase 2021.
Explore BA (Hons) Fashion Explore BA (Hons) Fashion Communication and PromotionPost published: 28th July 2021