Your fees are an investment in your future – the information here will help you understand how we spend your tuition fees, and our other income, on students at Norwich
Your tuition fees cover the cost of your studies including teaching, technical support staff, assessment and learning facilities and other services including:
- Welcome Week course activities
- Teaching and technical instruction
- Access to, and use of relevant workshops and equipment
- Access to, and use of relevant equipment in studios, including computers
- Materials used as part of timetabled workshop inductions
- Access to, and use of recycled materials within workshop areas
- Access to Academic Registry and Student Support
- Access to Careers Advice
- Access to professional business expertise and support through the Ideas Factory which develops participation in ‘live’ course projects with business
- Access to the specialist Norwich University of the Arts Library and associated resources
- Some local study visits
- Exhibition opportunities
- Access to East Gallery
- Free entry to Norfolk Museums, Sainsbury Centre and arranged access to their collections and archives
- Discounted entry and membership at Cinema City and a range of shops and venues around the City.
Not included:
- Equipment for your personal or private use
- Day-to-day items you may need as part of your personal, portable toolkit
- Materials for producing your own work beyond inductions
- Books for your personal or private use outside key course texts available in the Library
- Study visits, unless specified.