Helpful information & links for Creative Businesses in the UK dealing with Covid-19
Please note: we will try to keep this page as up-to-date as possible but this is a rapidly changing situation so please be aware that information that is presented here or linked to may have changed or become incorrect.
This is an incredibly uncertain time for small businesses in the creative sector.
We’ve put together all the information and resources that we have found whilst learning about the support on offer to UK businesses as well as advice that is industry-specific.
We hope that this is useful,
Important info for everyone:
Here is information that will be useful to businesses regardless of their specialism.
The Creative Industries Federation has created a brilliant resource that brings together a lot of information from across the creative industries. This is essential reading for anyone in the creative sector.
We would highly recommend visiting The Federation of Small Businesses Covid-19 Pages. The FSB is doing a fantastic job of interpreting information from the government, especially on things like the Income Support Scheme or the Small business Grant Fund.
For businesses that wish to claim their 10k grant from Norwich City Council please fill in the form below. Please note: to be eligible you need to have an office, shop, or studio that you either pay business rates on or have business rate relief.
Universal Credit
If you are recent freelancer, you should look at claiming Universal Credit whilst business is slow.
Useful Support Resources
An in-depth guide from Cotswold Co on
creating a healthy and productive workspace for people working from home
Sector Specific Information
Film & TV Freelancers
Screen Skills is offering free remote training for the sector. You can get involved here:
Also, take a look at the Film + TV Charity who has set up a live chat to support freelancers in the industry.
The Association of Illustrators have put together some useful resources:
The Arts Council England has shared some information about the support package they are coordinating but expect more info to come out soon.
Are you a graduate artist or a freelancer working in the art sector? You could be eligible for an A-N bursary through their Time Space Money Programme.
Graphic Designers
Design Week has collected a lot of useful information here including portfolio reviews, a slack group for Designers, and links to useful resources.
Post published: 9th April 2020
Last modified: 16th November 2023