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Alex Hill

Associate Programme Director, BA (Hons) Marketing

Alex Hill is the Associate Programme Director of Business Management, Marketing, and Psychology, as well as the Course Leader for both BA (Hons) Fashion Communication and Promotion and BA (Hons) Fashion Marketing and Business.

Alex Hill in the digital design studio, looking past camera

I am dedicated to developing innovative thinking, embedding wellbeing and implementing creative curriculum design within creative education and learning.

I am a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, Academic Lead for Wellebing in the Curriculum, an active member of numerous university boards (including Academic Board and the Learning and Teaching Committee) and am currently studying for an MA in Creative Education.

Externally, I have acted as an academic consultant and external examiner for fashion business programmes at UEL, Leeds School of Art, Coventry and Leeds Beckett.

As a strong believer in creating dynamic learning experiences, I have been involved and spearheaded several key learner opportunities including the launch of the UK’s first live retail training store for the RETAIL Skills Academy, leading the fashion retail work experience element of Norwich Fashion Week and developing a bespoke funded independent retailer training programme for South Norfolk Council.

Research and practice

Other academic activities

Associate Programme Director, BA (Hons) Marketing Associate Programme Director, BSc (Hons) Psychology Associate Programme Director, BA (Hons) Business Management Course Leader, BA (Hons) Fashion Communication and Promotion Course Leader, BA (Hons) Fashion Marketing and Business

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