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Dr. Anna Blagrove


Dr Anna Blagrove joined Norwich University of the Arts in 2020 as Lecturer for Animation and Visual Effects.

BA Animation and Visual Effects Lecturer Anna Blagrove standing in front of a stone flint wall

She specialises in teaching Film Language and Theory, Media Roles and Practices, as well as Research and Study Skills. She attended University of East Anglia where she completed her film audience research PhD and MA in Film Studies. She is Director of Reel Connections (CIC), a community interest company that uses film, music, and the creative arts to engage individuals and groups.

I am a Director of Reel Connections Community interest Company and Lecturer in Animation (Visual Effects) at Norwich University of the Arts. I have a film audience research PhD from UEA, with significant experience as an Associate Tutor and Module Convenor at BA and MA level. I was an Education Officer in the cinema exhibition industry for over ten years and am skilled in programming, marketing, and delivering projects, courses, and events. I am proficient in arts administration and marketing. Working in the industry with arts organisations and community groups whilst simultaneously studying has enabled me to clearly link practise and research. This was recognised by the UEA in 2020, when I was awarded the Post Graduate Researcher prize for Public Engagement and Outreach.

I have a wide range of experience of public speaking and event management via Reel Connections, Cinema City Education, and Norwich Film Festival. Over the years I have chaired numerous live Q&A sessions and panel discussions with visiting actors and filmmakers. Examples include Sir John Hurt, Jo Brand, Jessica Hynes, Jane Horrocks, Julian Jarrold, and Andrew Haigh.


Blagrove A (2021) Book Review of Live Cinema: Cultures, Economies, Aesthetics (editors: Sarah Atkinson and Helen.W. Kennedy), Bloomsbury, Participations: Journal of Audience and Reception Studies Vol. 18, Issue 1, May 2021.

Blagrove A (2017) Cinema City: A Medieval Movie-House. In: The International Association for Media and History (IAMHIST).

Blagrove A (2015) Norfolk’s Barren Beauty: The County on Film. Norfolk at the Pictures, 90-91, Archant publication.

Blagrove A (2015) Red Dog: Film of the Year. In: Goldsmith B and Lealand G (eds) Directory of World Cinema: Australia and New Zealand 2. Bristol, UK: Intellect Ltd (peer reviewed book section).

Blagrove A (2015) The Pleasures of the Familiar: Norfolk-made Films. In: University of East Anglia Film, TV and Media Studies Blog. Available at:

Blagrove A (2013) Red Dog: The Pilbara Wanderer. Coolabah (11): 19-24 (peer reviewed).

Forthcoming publications

Blagrove A (2021a) Pencil and Paper (and some pens and brushes): Tomm Moore, Creative Director at Cartoon Saloon,biographical article for Animation Studies 2.0 – accepted for publication.

Blagrove A (2021b) Engaged/Vacant: UK Audience Engagement with Specialised Cinema. Participations: Journal of Audience and Reception Studies (peer-reviewed journal – accepted for publication in the November 2021 issue).

Blagrove A (2021c) Book Review of Harry Potter: Fan Phenomena (editor Valerie Estelle Frankel). Participations: Journal of Audience and Reception Studies (accepted for publication in November 2021 issue).

Blagrove A (2021d). Interview with Catharine des Forges, Director of the Independent Cinema Office, Participations: Journal of Audience and Reception Studies (accepted for publication in November 2021 issue)

Blagrove A (2022). Teenage Flicks: The Places, Values, and Contexts of Film Consumption and Cinema-Going for Young Audiences, Participations: Journal of Audience and Reception Studies (accepted for publication in May 2022 issue).

Conferences and awards

2 March 2021 – Paper presented: Teenage Flicks: A Study of the Specialised Film Consumption and Cinema-Going of Norfolk-based Young Audiences at Audiences Beyond the Multiplex conference. Virtual conference hosted by University of Glasgow.

14 December 2020 – Masterclass presented on Reel Connections: Transitioning from Physical to Digital Connections with Communities as part of Oxford Brookes University Film Industries Masterclass programme.

7-9 September 2020 – Paper presented based on my PhD thesis at the Film Audience Migrations and Movements conference at Oxford Brookes University, and hosted panels and discussions.

June 2020 – Won the UEA Arts and Humanities Postgraduate Researcher prize for Public Engagement and Outreach. Commended for achievements spanning years of film education and public engagement.

November 2018 – PhD Poster displayed in competition at the University of East Anglia (UEA) Postgraduate Research Exhibition.

July 2017 – Paper delivered entitled Engaging Millennials with Specialised Cinema at the Community Cinema Symposium at the UEA.

April 2015 – Paper delivered and chaired a panel at the ‘Exploring 30 Years of Studio Ghibli: Spirited Discussions’ symposium at Cardiff University. My paper title was: Oceans, Forests, and Kami: Environment, Location, and Spirituality in Miyazaki’s Films’.

November 2011 – Organised and co-delivered the ‘New Forms of Cinema Exhibition’ Symposium at Cinema City Norwich in conjunction with UEA, the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), and Professor Mark Jancovich.

Upcoming project

Ongoing and developing projects with Reel Connections CIC:

Two people standing in front of white background in black and white

Anna Blagrove 1

Two people sitting in front of a crowd with a projector screen behind them

Anna Blagrove 2

four people sitting on chairs around a table having a discussion

Anna Blagrove 3

BA Animation and Visual Effects Lecturer Anna Blagrove standing in front of a stone flint wall

Anna Blagrove 4

Lecturer, BA (Hons) Animation and Visual Effects Lecturer, BA (Hons) Animation

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