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Neil Davison, Workshop Manager for Fashion & Textiles at Norwich University of the Arts

Neil is responsible for the management of the Textiles Workshops and Fashion Studios at Norwich. He manages a dedicated and highly knowledgeable team of technicians who work together to ensure the resources and technical provision are of a very high standard in the following areas: Fashion Studios, pattern cutting, garment make and manufacture, textile print and dye, stitch, knit, weave, textile digital printing and Textiles and Fashion material sales

My journey in textiles began in 1987 when I started the BTEC Surface Pattern Design course at Great Yarmouth College of Art and Design. I knew this was an area I wanted to work in as I really enjoyed experimenting with all the different textiles processes.

After completing my BA(hons) Degree in Surface Pattern Design from Staffordshire University in 1993 I was fortunate to be asked to return to Great Yarmouth to work as a Textiles Technician. This was exciting and I relished developing my technical skills, supporting students and working with a wonderful team of creative people.

Even though Norwich University of the Arts has undergone a few name changes and grown to the incredible university it is now, the same things which excited me within my role in 1993 remain the same today.

Over the years I’ve been able to develop a comprehensive knowledge of all textiles processes, equipment and materials with particular specialism in textile printing, dyeing and textile digital printing.

In my own creative practice I draw everyday and post the drawing to my Instagram account neildavison1969 This is something I’ve done since 2013 and over this period I have proudly built a varied collection of drawings, patterns, and illustrations. Work from this has been sold along the way and featured in the 2015 staff exhibition ‘Hidden in Plain Sight’.

Workshop Manager, Fashion Studios Workshop Manager, Textile Print and Dye Workshop Workshop Manager, Project Hall Workshop Manager, Constructed Textiles Workshop