Richard Wood
Rich works part time as a member of the Design Studio team, supporting students from all courses with print and finishing, the use of the Adobe suite and specialist processes such as laser cutting. He has experience in teaching print based workshops and is a passionate and experienced creative practitioner
Having received an MA in Communication Design from Norwich University of the Arts in 2021, I am delighted to return to the University as a part time technician in the Design Studio.
Having left a career in healthcare, I have worked in the design industry since 2016, first in sportswear design, before starting my own company offering graphic design and print services to local independent businesses. My practice covers branding, digital and print design, as well as Risograph, Letterpress, Foil Blocking and Digital print.
I am passionate about teaching and have experience in delivering Risograph workshops to small groups, as well as within institutions such as schools and universities.
I have an especially keen interest in print and printmaking in all forms, typography and signwriting and have organised Norwich Letterheads – a signwriting weekend – in 2020 and 2021.
My personal practice examines the crossover between commercial graphic design and fine art and I especially enjoy using techniques borrowed from commercial processes which have faded from modern commercial use.