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portrait photo of year zero co-ordinator Shaun Camp smiling and looking away from camera with short grey hair and a grey long sleeved jumper

There are currently two strands to my research; work that encompasses notions of third memory, or third space, and the further contingent of trace.  This is through work that uses photography, video, drawing and installation, to capture the familiar and through the dissolution of the focal point, pictorial fragmentation, and the coming together of action, space, and time is suspended. The resultant works serves as a trace, a residue of an event, or subject; the referent is lacking through an absence of specificity. The second strand to my research is centred upon the creative process within a teaching and learning context, specifically the psychoanalytical significance of play, and how this is made manifest within contemporary art practices.

Collaboration is also a key factor of my practice, both on a national and international level; I have worked with a number of higher education institutions across Europe.

Beyond this I am also interested in extending existing and developing creative teaching and learning strategies, including the use of online technologies and delivery, and the application of distance learning, within an art & design context. Shaun’s work is available to view on his website.


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