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Jess Magnus

Image of alumni Jess Magnus sat at a desk

Previously a Game Artist at Preloaded, a BAFTA award-winning applied games studio, Jess now works as a 3D Environment Artist for Dovetail Games, a simulation entertainment company. In her spare time, she works as a Games Artist for Insert Imagination, a graduate start-up based in Norwich University’s Ideas Factory.

How did you enter the games industry after graduating?

After leaving Norwich I participated in Dare to be Digital, a video games competition and was taken on as a 3D Artist intern at Preloaded through the Trainee Finder Scheme with Creative Skillset. This led to a permanent position. I left Preloaded in 2016 and started working for Dovetail games.

What kind of tasks do you work on in your job?

I create 3D environment art for two of Dovetail Games’ main products, Euro Fishing and Train Simulator. I work within 3DS Max to create environment assets including prop items and buildings, as well as creating foliage and backgrounds. My job ranges from pure creative days where we are making new things for the games or improving previous assets, to days of meetings and planning.

Do you have any tips for budding creatives in your field?

With your portfolio it is quality not quantity. Go into interviews with confidence and give it all you can. Don’t be disheartened if you don’t instantly get work as everyone’s journey into the industry is different.

Why is your particular practice important to the creative industries?

The global video games revenue is around $101bn. Games are rapidly becoming the biggest entertainment media. On top of that, the visual level that games are now capable of is really pushing the boundaries between games and art.