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Thumbnail image for the Fabricate Technicians' showcase event

Fabricate: a Technicians’ Showcase

9am – 4pm Wednesday 8 May 2024 – Saturday 8 June 2024

East Gallery, St Andrews St, Norwich NR2 4AE

A fabulous mix of digital and physical, traditional, and cutting-edge artworks made by the technicians at Norwich University of the Arts.

8 May – 8 June 2024 | East Gallery | Free admission

Covering Animation, Architecture, Film, Fine Art and Textiles at the University, our talented technicians nurture students with their wealth of subject knowledge and industry experience. In this exhibition, we get a glimpse into their own personal art practices.

This exhibition presents a range of artworks by individuals employed in the technical team here at Norwich University.

Technicians hold a unique position within the University; they work in parallel with the academic staff, supporting the students to realise their creative ambitions, and providing vital, dynamic, knowledge of the world-leading workshop resources. They are empowering creative thinkers, making ideas tangible through experimentation, and emboldening students to embrace failure and celebrate success. Fabricate goes beyond the significant professional proficiencies of the team and reveals some examples of the personal creative practice of these remarkable makers and creators.

Fabricate Events

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A performance with Dr Phil Archer (1)

Tuesday 7 May | 6pm

East Gallery, Norwich University of the Arts

A performance using a unique self-made instrument fashioned from a deer skull and cello strings. Phil will play pieces he has written for the instrument, drawing influences from both modern and ancient musics.

An exhibition talk with artist Tracey Tutt

Saturday 11-May | 1-2pm

East Gallery, Norwich University of the Arts

Come along to this informal talk to guide you around all of the pieces in the exhibition, ask questions, and get a little more understanding about what the technicians role involves and what we offer.

Life drawing workshop with artist Sam Cox

Tuesday 14 May | 1-3pm

Meet at East Gallery reception

Workshop held in the Munnings Drawing Room, St Georges Building, Norwich University of the Arts.

Come and gain an art school experience in this classic life drawing session let by artist Sam Cox. Explore a range of drawing techniques working from a nude model in a fun, relaxed and challenging session.

An exhibition talk with artist’s Will Hurt and Fran Wall

Wednesday 22 May | 1-2pm

East Gallery, Norwich University of the Arts

ARPS is an interactive installation in which visitors slide and twist physical objects across a tabletop and watch their virtual counterparts do astonishing things on screen. It is designed to encourage subtle, contemplative, interaction. For this edition Will Hurt and Fran Wall have collaborated to focus in on the specific interactions that ARPS offers, drawing on references as diverse as the work of Peter Eisenman, CAD software, Victorian Geometry Workbooks and Children’s Building Blocks.

Join to play with ARPS and listen to them discuss their collaboration.

Willow weaving workshop with artist Karen Milam (1)

Friday 24 May | 12.30-2pm

Meet at East Gallery

Workshop to be held in Cavendish House Boardroom, Norwich University of the Arts.

Make a Tension Tray

After a brief introduction to the different types of willow used in basketry participants will make a round tension tray from willow rods that they can take home.

Willow weaving workshop with artist Karen Milam (2)

Friday 24 May | 2.30-4pm

Meet at East Gallery

Workshop to be held in Cavendish House Boardroom, Norwich University of the Arts.

Make a Tension Tray

After a brief introduction to the different types of willow used in basketry participants will make a round tension tray from willow rods that they can take home.

A performance with Dr Phil Archer (2)

Saturday 25 May | 1pm

East Gallery, Norwich University of the Arts

A performance using a unique self-made instrument fashioned from a deer skull and cello strings. Phil will play pieces he has written for the instrument, drawing influences from both modern and ancient musics.

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Excerpts from the Norwich University Technical Strategy 2022-27


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Opening times:
Tuesday – Friday 12–5pm, Saturday 12–4pm
Admission free

East Gallery: 01603 610561

+44 (0)1603 610561