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Teaching in the Now #6

Sunday 4 December 2022 | 10.30am – 12.30pm

Join us for the sixth Teaching in the Now CPD session led by Arts, Creativity, Cultural and Educational Consultant Susan Coles alongside members of the art education network communities NEAAT (Norfolk and East Anglia Art Teachers) and NEATEN (North East Art Teacher Educator Network).

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Voluntary Donations

The event is free to attend, but we are asking for voluntary donations to the Trussel Trust foodbank charity


  • Introduction from Susan Coles: report from the NEATEN Big Draw and warm up activity for Big Draw 2022.
    You need some A4 or A3 paper, selection of pencils, oil pastels or chalks if you have them handy.
  • Helen Homewood and Becky Mizon: our developments using Art History after taking part in the Plan Prepare Provide Art History Residential in July 2022
  • Jill Piddock: my video aimed at recruiting Sixth Form students to A-level Art.
  • Paul Raymond: my artist in residence role at Durham Sixth Form Centre
  • Ro Mason: my top tips for little motivational strategies in art lessons.
  • Jen Langeskov: Native Creatives live report and future plans
  • Norwich University of the Arts: Short activity with BA Fine Art Senior Lecturer Desmond Brett
    You will need modelling clay / wax – size of a tennis ball / apple / tangerine or football.

Who are we?

North East Art Teacher/Educator Network (NEATEN) – established in 2007 as a network for art educators, and now in our 14th year here in the north east of England. We have expanded outside of our region this year in response to the global  pandemic, and we believe firmly in the wisdom of crowds.

We advocate for our subject and its rightful place in the curriculum, we showcase and share good practice in all phases of education and we connect, collaborate and create together. Follow us on Twitter/Insta @NEATENart

Facebook group – NEATEN

Network of East Anglian Art Teachers (NEAAT) – We believe the Arts are special in our region: NEAAT was created in 2019 to meet the need for Art teachers in East Anglia to be part of an empowering and enriching network of fellow educators that can support each other and help develop an exciting provision for our students.

Supported by the Norwich University of Art we work together to connect, inspire and empower Art teachers from all aspects of the profession, creating a network with other providers to ensure the longevity of the subject beyond school and qualifications; enabling the practitioners of the future. Art is fun and everyone should be doing it!

We are quite new but have a fantastic range of members and are growing every year. Over the past year we have expanded into provided online workshops that have expanded into the UK and abroad. Follow us on twitter @NEAAT3

Facebook group – NEAAT 

Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Network of East Anglian Art Teachers

C&P NEAAT is a new network for Art teachers within Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.

Facebook group – C&P NEAAT

Book your place (opens in a new window)