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Travel bursary

Travelling 50 miles or more? We’ll chip in towards your travel costs

We want to make it as easy as possible for you to get the real Norwich experience. So, if you’re travelling 50 miles or more for an open day, we’ll pay a chunk of your travel costs, so you get to enjoy your journey to see us that little bit more.

The travel bursary amount depends on the distance travelled to the University and is calculated by Norwich University of the Arts. The amount awarded will be based on the shortest route from your registered home postcode to our city campus (postcode NR3 3FF).

Distance from the University Amount
50 – 99 miles £25
100 – 149 miles £50
150 miles or more £75

How to claim

We’ll email you after the event with details of how to claim your travel grant. You will be asked to supply proof of address. Money will be paid via secure electronic payment. Please be aware that no money will be paid on the day you visit.

Terms and Conditions


Distance from the University Amount
50 – 99 miles £25
100 – 149 miles £50
150 miles or more £75


To receive the travel reimbursement:

The following groups are not eligible:

Every effort has been made to ensure that all details about the Travel Bursary are correct at the time of writing. Norwich University of the Arts has the right to withdraw or amend the Travel Bursary at any time.

The University will not be deemed to be in breach of any Terms and Conditions due to changes to eligibility criteria, or other circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the University. These conditions are regularly reviewed and are subject to change. The University’s decision in relation to the payment of the Travel Bursary is final.

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Recruitment Team: +44 (0) 1603 610561