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Amy Goodwin

The Archive as a Space for Dubious, Disputed and Subverted Narrative: Employing the Illustrative Turn in Order to Reestablish Identities for Fairground Women

This practice-based PhD seeks to re-establish the identities of five fairground-women – whose stories are not historically recorded – through mapping out narrative fragments and collated oral history, in order to construct an archive of illustrated space. This will utilise my practice of traditional signwriting and illustrative storytelling, creating a body of credible and immersive archival spaces. Within this, the intention is to build a critical discourse about the role of the archive, demonstrating how illustration can be used as an archival tool and how employing the ‘illustrative turn’ can encourage the reader to treat the archival spaces as truthful.

Amy Goodwin is a member of the Pattern and Chaos group of collaborative, interactive and networking designers, artists, theorists and innovators in education, all of whom are based at Norwich University of the Arts.

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