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Two BA Acting students embrace solemnly on stage
Acting student siting on a white chair in a teaching space in our Duke Street Riverside building.

Production Theatre

The 300 seat lecture theatre is equipped with recording and live streaming facilities, and the stepped seating can be fully retracted, opening up the floor space into a rehearsal area.

This multi-use facility provides rehearsal and performance space for our acting students.

Hearing loops

The Production Theatre at Duke St Riverside uses the Wavecast system.

Please go to the following page on the VLE to find out how it works and how to use it:  using Wavecast in the Production Theatre, Duke St Riverside.

Technical staff

Find the Production Theatre

Duke Street Riverside is home to our Acting studios, Production Theatre and University Open Days. The building also hosts some of our student accommodation.

26 Duke Street, Norwich NR3 3FF

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