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A student discussing their work with an industry professional at Norwich University of the Arts
Students discussing their work with an industry expert at Norwich University of the Arts
Student working collaboratively with industry experts around a round table

Level 5 Diploma in Creative Professional Development

The Diploma in Creative Professional Development has been developed to offer undergraduate students the chance to spend a year between the second and third year of their course exploring their employability options through a structured programme of input sessions and work-based learning.

The Diploma in Creative Professional Development offers much more than an industry sandwich year, it is:

It has been designed for:

Students discussing their work with an industry expert at NUA

The aim of the course is to provide you with an opportunity to gain industry insight, develop your employability skills through a series of supported experiences, expand your network and build your confidence in the workplace.

It has been developed as a deeper dive into skills development and personal planning building from the Employability curriculum delivered in Year 1 and Year 2 and will prepare you for a focussed third year of degree study.

Student working collaboratively with industry experts around a round table

By the end of Year 2, all Norwich students will be familiar with our unique skills development programme, Norwich University Profile. You will be familiar with the 10 employability skills identified in the programme, and will have logged evidence of your own development against the framework.

This process may have prompted you to identify areas and skills that you need to develop further and evidence. It could be, for example, that you have not worked in a professional team, or that you do not have enough experience of handling customers. The new course will be a chance to build your skills by trying out strategies and approaches within the placement experience. It might be a new strategy for communication if you find it difficult to tailor your style to a business audience – or a strategy for team-working, if you feel hampered by imposter syndrome and need to break that habit. It offers a ‘real’ experience, in the employer’s workplace, away from Norwich, and working with the industry team, underpinned by coaching from Norwich, enabling you to really learn, take creative risk and experiment.


Course specifications

The course is organised around 2 industry placements – the first lasting 6 weeks, the second 12 weeks, and a group project or ‘hackathon’ exploring freelancing and business start-up.

Before each placement there will be input sessions to prepare you for the experience. You will be supported and contacted while you are working with your host business, and afterwards we will work with you to reflect on what you have learnt, using it as the basis of an effective and achievable career plan.

This model of preparation, experiential learning and then reflection, underpinned by the Norwich Profile programme, has proved highly effective in helping students and graduates to secure high quality creative roles. It will support your confidence to grow, and as a result you will be more informed in your approach, with a clearer idea of what you need to do to achieve your plan.

Explore more

Level 5 Diplomas

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Recruitment Team: 01603 610561
