Film and Moving Image Production at Norwich
Welcome Week starts on Monday the 16th of September and this is when we will meet you on campus and introduce you to our buildings and facilities.
You will meet the staff team and other students on your course and take part in some introductory activities designed so you can get to know each other and remain safe on campus. You will also attend talks about the services and facilities the University offers.
The first taught day of your course is the Monday 23 September. Generally, you will have timetabled sessions on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays each week. The rest of the week will usually be independent study time for you to research and develop your projects.
Individual timetables will be given the start of the course. In addition to sessions on campus, there will also be digital teaching sessions such as Wednesday mornings discussion and development session and regular individual tutorials. You will be introduced to all these elements so don’t worry about any of this now!
On independent study days, and days where digital teaching is scheduled, you will be able to access the campus to continue your work as needed, or you can elect to work remotely. We will help you plan your time.
You will see that we’ve included some suggestions of things you might like to read, watch, and do before you arrive.
We look forward to seeing you in September
Things to watch, read, and do before you start:
This document is a go-to guide that covers a range of topics which are relevant to all filmmakers working in the UK. Whilst this is termed as a High End TV handbook, it is equally relevant to feature and short film production.
British Film Commission
This document covers in detail the industry legal requirements to be able to shoot in the UK during the Covid-19 pandemic. It covers all actions required for productions to be able to safely shoot. The FMIP course will introduce you to a set of course specific criteria for shooting which will take into account
BFI Diversity Standards
This page provides details of the British Film Institute standards for equality, diversity and inclusion in the UK screen industry. It aims to ensure accurate and proper representation in the UK screen industries. All films produced on Film and Moving Image Production (FMIP) must adhere to these criteria.
As a ScreenSkills accredited select course we have access to a range of training and events via their website. We encourage you to make good use of the events and additional training and other opportunities that are accessible to you as a student on an accredited course.
Online training
There are a number of the online training resources we will ask you to complete as part of your study.
- To complete this training, you need to have a profile on the ScreenSkills website, set up with your Norwich uni Email account. Once you receive your Norwich email you can register and set up your screenskills profile
- The first course we will ask you to complete is Covid-19 – Basic Awareness on Production Training
If you have time before you start the course please do complete this, but do not worry if you don’t — we will remind you and ask you to complete it in the Welcome Week