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Fine Art at Norwich

The first taught day of your course is the Monday 23 September. Generally, you will have timetabled sessions on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday each week.

The rest of the week will usually be independent study time for you to research and develop your projects. Individual timetables will be given the start of the course, so don’t worry about any of this now!

On independent study days, and days where digital teaching is scheduled, you will be able to access the campus to continue your work as needed, or you can elect to work remotely. We will help you plan your time.

You will see that we’ve included some suggestions of things you might like to read, watch and do before you arrive, and provided suggestions about equipment and materials you are likely to need, so please read through the pack carefully.

Things to watch, read and do before you start

We are not expecting you to enroll having done masses of work over the summer period but here are some suggestions for you to look at before you commence your studies.


  1. New Exhibitions is an incredibly useful resource listing current and forthcoming UK exhibitions.
  2. Read as much as you can about Brian Eno & Peter Schmidt’s ‘Oblique Strategies’. This might help you think about how you might challenge your own approaches to art making.
  3. Explore roaming the Monoskop website as an excellent resource to find out about art practices, art history and art thinking. Suggested themes: ‘Living on a Ruined Planet’; ‘Expanded Cinema’; ‘Decolonial Aesthetics’ & George Perec’s ‘Species of Spaces’.


  1. Visit the Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts (if you are able to) or explore their website to search the incredible art collection and resources.
  2. Look at the world around you and document it using drawing, video, sound recording, writing and any other means that you feel appropriate. This exercise isn’t for any form of assessment or review, it is to get you into working habits and prepare you for study.
  3. Spend some time lying on the ground and looking at the sky. Turn off your phone and any other distractions. Don’t record this experience, it is just for you.


  1. Anything on UBUWEB, browse this incredible resource and watch as many films as you feel inclined. Suggested viewing:
  2. All four episodes of ‘Black Atlantic’ featuring work by artists dealing with themes around thematic territory of the Black Atlantic.
  3. Charlotte Prodger talking about her practice dealing with ‘issues surrounding queer identity, landscape, language, technology and time’ (Tate)

Suggested equipment & materials

There are no specific materials required for Fine Art study at Norwich but it is advisable for you to bring a sketchbook and drawing materials such as pens and pencils.

The University Shop and 3D-Workshop stock extensive art materials and equipment for you to purchase, and Thorns DIY offer a 10% discount for Norwich students when spending £15.