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Trained at the Liverpool School of Architecture where he won the Sikorski Prize, Jonathan began his career working in North London with the respected modernist architect John Winter.

Jonathan is an RIBA Chartered Architect, a RIBA accredited Client Design Advisor with a recognised Education expertise and a CABE Enabler. He has been a member of the CABE Schools, Inspire East, PlacesMatter! and Cambridge Design Review Panels and was a chair of the 2014 London Region RIBA Awards. He is currently a member of the Hackney and Enfield Design Review Panels.

Jonathan is currently an Associate Professor of Architecture at Norwich University of the Arts. He has served as the Visiting Professor at the University of Greenwich, as a member of the Architectural Association Council, and as a Governor of Linton Village College. Jonathan has taught and lectured in schools of architecture throughout the UK and has served as a member of the RIBA/ARB Validation Board.

Jonathan established EllisMiller in 1993, winning the first of seven RIBA awards for the internationally acclaimed office building at 83-85 Mansell Street in the City of London. He has continued to design a range of award-winning schemes from one-off houses through to large multi-stakeholder projects.

Jonathan has developed a significant high-level strategic expertise across a range of project sectors and procurement types. He is respected in the industry for championing the benefits of high-quality design. He has provided incisive strategic advice to major client bodies on how to deliver best value outcomes on some of the UK’s largest public sector procurement projects, with clients including Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, City of Westminster, Nottingham City Council and Birmingham City Council.


83–85 Mansell Street, London

Eastmount Properties
RIBA stages 1-7 / £8 million
35,000 sq ft of office accommodation in the City of London / RIBA Award 1991

Shoreditch Village, London

Lirastar Ltd
RIBA Stages 1-5 (on-going) / £75 million
Mixed use and public realm including retail, shops, offices, apartments, and hotel / BREEAM Excellent / Planning approval 2013 / NLA Awards 2014

Woodberry Down Phase 4, London

Berkeley Homes
RIBA Stages 1-4 (on-going) / £80 million
Residential, commercial, and public realm scheme in London including shops, restaurants, cafes, offices, apartments, and outdoor market / BREEAM Excellent

citizen M Shoreditch, London

RIBA Stages 1-5 (on-going) / £16 million
211 bedroom hotel in the Shoreditch Triangle / BREEAM Excellent / Planning approval 2013 / NLA Awards 2014

Hackney House, London

London Borough of Hackney
RIBA Stages 1-7
Temporary media and exhibition expo for the Olympics / Shortlisted for the Hackney Design Awards

Rosenberg Lofts

RIBA Stages 1-7
Retail and Housing Scheme

75 Ridley Road

RIBA Stages 1-5
Retail and housing Scheme

275 West Green Road

RIBA Stages 1-7
Retail and Housing Scheme

Priory Sports College and Tennis Centre

Wates Construction
RIBA Stages 1-3 / £17 million
New build school with sports specialism / Tennis centre / Sports Centre / BREEAM Excellent

Primary School, Nursery, & Children’s Centre, Uppingham

Rutland County Council
RIBA Stages 1-3 / £6.5 million / Design and Build
2FE Primary Pathfinder /SEN Nursery with ASD specialism / Pre-school with PMLD SEN specialism / Surestart Children’s Centre / Sports Facilities / BREEAM Excellent

Criterion Capital

Delievery of 4000 Built to let Units across London working with SOM and DRMM

Catmose Campus, Oakham

Rutland County Council
RIBA Stages 1-7 / £24 million Design and Build
Academy / Nursery and SEN Pre-School / Art Gallery / Theatre / Learning Disability Resource Centre / BREEAM very good / RIBA award 2012

Catmose Sports Centre, Oakham

Rutland County Council
RIBA Stages 1-7 / £2 million / Design and Build
County Sports Centre and Grounds / BREEAM very good / RIBA award 2012

Primary School Pathfinder

Nottingham City Council
RIBA Stages 1-2
Estates strategy for primary pathfinders and all-through academy

Chelsea Academy Design Review

Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea
In-depth design and education transformation review and advice to RBKC Councillors and Planning Directorate regarding sensitive Academy planning application

Wave 2 BSF, Nottingham

Nottingham City Council
RIBA Stages 1-3 / £300 million
PFI and Design and Build / Strategic BSF design / process advice / Briefing / Options Appraisals / Output Specification for 2 BSF Sample Schools / 2 BSF Academies / 1 BSF Special School

Wave 4 BSF, Hertfordshire

Hertfordshire County Council
RIBA Stages 1-2 / £210 million PFI
Design and Build / Strategic BSF design / process advice / Briefing / Options Appraisals for BSF Academy / 3 BSF Secondary Schools / BSF Special School / BSF Academy / 4 Dual-use Sports Centres

Wave 6a BSF, Rotherham

Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council
RIBA Stages 1-3 / £120million PFI / Design and Build
5 BSF Secondary Schools / BSF Special School / PCP Primary School / 6 Dual-use Sports Centres / Campus Masterplan

Hertfordshire Academies. BSF Project

Balfour Beatty
£210 million PFI / Design and Build / Bid Stage
Design Champion / bid proposals


Women’s Institute HQ, Cambridge

Women’s Institute
RIBA Stages 1-7 / £350k / Traditional
Carbon Neutral Office HQ for WI / Education, meeting, and office accommodation / RIBA Award 2005

Eastrea Centre

RIBA Stages 1-7 / £1.2 million / Traditional
Community Centre for Fenland Village

Selected One-Off Houses

Other Current Research

Use of Artificial Intelligence in Building Design

Provision of Primary Healthcare for Women and Children to be delivered across Tanzania and Zanzibar

Associate Professor, BA (Hons) Architecture Associate Professor, MArch Architecture

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