The festival is a unique opportunity to celebrate Norwich's thriving games industry.
BA (Hons) Animation Course Leader Jon Dunleavy’s film discusses the legitimacy of A.I. art.
Holly Sandiford has recently exhibited at Leicester's Space Park as part of Space: Science & Nature.
Dawn Christien, MA Fine Art, won the book launch competition for the novel 'Tiepolo Blue'
BA (Hons) Fine Art graduates Jess Burgess and Ellie Davison Archer have been featured in May's issue
Abbie Cairns has been nominated in the NQT/ECT Inspiration Award category.
The exhibition ‘Bibliotheca Interpellations’ showcased multi-disciplinary works by MA Fine Art.
The competition invited entries from students aged 11 – 19 worldwide on the theme of 'Curiosity'.
MA students worked as creative thinking consultants at the Nuffield Farming International Conference
The work presented is a triptych spanning an award-winning career.