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A large sphere made up of thousands of unidentifiable shiny stainless steel components of various sizes and shapes, the distribution of which has been decided using magnetic forces.

Ryan Gander: The Gift

Tuesday 3 May 2022 – Saturday 16 July 2022

East Gallery, St Andrews St, Norwich NR2 4AE

Working from his father’s often repeated phrase ‘Time is your greatest asset’, internationally renowned conceptual artist Ryan Gander presents an exhibition examining the currency of time.

Tuesday 3 May – Saturday 16 July | East GalleryNUA

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Ryan Gander O.B.E, RA Elect, is an internationally renowned conceptual artist working across media including sculpture, fashion, writing, installation, and performance. His work is often compared to a puzzle; a game in which the artist stages the fragments of a set of clues to be decoded or interpreted by the viewer.

“In his site-specific presentation for East GalleryNUA, multiple new works centre around ‘Everything is Broken Down’, 2022, from which each visitor is offered a free gift.”

With the support of the Norfolk and Norwich Festival and Norwich University of the Arts the exhibition presents multiple new works, including Everything is Broken Down, 2022 in which the artist offers a free gift for every visitor.

With a coin, dispatched automatically by a motion sensor, Gander gifts an agent of dichotomy, a portable charm that presents a moment to make a choice, just as one might flip a coin. On one side ‘Time is your greatest asset’ on the other ‘Let the world take a turn’, the piece offers a decision between action or stillness, doing or not doing. A true exercise in agency, and a gesture towards the economic currency of time.

Following the same theme, Gander and East GalleryNUA are pleased to collaborate with Houghton Hall, where ‘More really shiny things that don’t mean anything’, 2012 will be displayed in the landscape.

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This exhibition is suitable for all ages, and entrance is free

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East GalleryNUA is based in the heart of Norwich, our address is:

Cavendish House
St Andrews Street


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Opening times:
Tuesday – Friday 12–5pm, Saturday 12–4pm
Admission free

East Gallery: 01603 610561

+44 (0)1603 610561