Your student cards will be printed by our IT team here and distributed to you by the Course team at your introductory meeting with the Course during Welcome Week.
This card will enable you to access our buildings, pay for goods from the shop or print services, and is also used by many businesses in the city to enable you to obtain discounts on goods and services (e.g. gym membership).
Don’t worry – our buildings will be open to you from moving-in week so that you can come in before you have collected your card.
Ahead of your first day on campus you will need to complete all of your tasks in the Applicant Portal.
Your timetable will be available on our Intranet and you will be given information on how to sync your timetable with your phone or personal device.
When you complete the final registration task on the applicant portal you will be given a university e-mail account and instructions about how to use it.
The National Health Service (NHS) provides health services in the UK and all students are entitled to treatment from the NHS, including student visa holders who will have paid NHS surcharge fees as part of the immigration process.
The campus is spread across a section of the city’s medieval centre, sometimes called the creative quarter.