This section covers information relating to the way Norwich University of the Arts is governed and how decisions are made.
It includes information on the legal status of the institution, which individual member of staff or group within the organisation is responsible for specific functions and where they fit in the overall structure of the organisation.
In some instances information from committee minutes will be exempt from disclosure where it contains personal information, information that may damage the commercial interests of the institution or that may threaten the health and safety of specific individuals.
The University’s legal name is Norwich University of the Arts, which is sometimes abbreviated to NUA.
Norwich University of the Arts
Francis House
3-7 Redwell Street
The Chancellor is the leading ambassador and ceremonial head of the University, and serve as its most senior public face.
The Vice-Chancellor and the Senior Team manage the University and lead on key strategies and projects.
The University was established as an independent higher education institution under Section 121 of the Education Reform Act 1988, and is a recognised body with taught degree awarding powers.
Information on the University’s Finances.
Read more about University financial statements and regulations
We believe that equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) is integral to a successful place of work and study.
The University’s Access and Participation Plan sets out our commitment to ensuring fair access for students from underrepresented backgrounds.
We are experienced in building and maintaining strong partnerships through course validations, articulations and progression opportunities.
Find out how to get in contact with Norwich University of the Arts
Policies and key information for Norwich University of the Arts
In March 2015 the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) published advice for higher education providers to help them comply with their consumer law obligations.
The Freedom of Information Act fully came into force on 1 January 2005.
Adopting a publication scheme for information is a requirement for all public bodies, including higher education institutions, under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Information relating to how the individual units of Norwich University of the Arts are organised and where each unit fits in the overall structure of the institution.
Any queries relating to Norwich University of the Arts’ Publication Scheme should be addressed to:
Information and Resources Office, Norwich University of the Arts, Francis House, 3-7 Redwell Street, Norwich, NR2 4SN
All the information you need for travelling to Norwich by air, bus, train or car, and for exploring our campus.
We take pride in offering an experience and creating a community that you can be proud to be a part of.
Norwich University of the Arts has established itself in arts, design and media education for more than 175 years.
Environmental sustainability is important us and we're embedding sustainable thinking across all areas of the University
As a condition of our registration with the Office for Students we are required to publish the following information about our admissions data and our student attainment.
At Norwich University of the Arts, we are committed to closing the gender pay gap and in our ongoing practice we aspire to achieve gender equality in pay. The first report was published in March 2018 for snapshot data as at 31st March 2017.
Read our Student Protection Plan document to find out the measures Norwich University of the Arts puts into place to protect students in the event that something happens that prevents the continuation of studying.
The Single Equality Scheme (SES) outlines the strategy for achieving our general objectives for advancing equality and our specific objectives relating to each of the equality strands – age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership, maternity and pregnancy, race, religion or belief (including lack of belief), sex and sexual orientation.
Norwich University of the Arts appoints Visiting Professors to provide valuable advice on academic or industry developments
East Gallery is a city centre public art space showcasing a programme of exhibitions by internationally recognised artists, curators, and design practitioners
Meet our teaching staff and explore their work and expertise.
Join a thriving academic and professional community at a university that’s renowned for outstanding teaching quality, industry-standard facilities and high rates of student satisfaction.
Find out how to get in contact with Norwich University of the Arts
Norwich University of the Arts Blogs is where staff and students share their experiences, opinions, and insights.