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Information publication scheme

Adopting a publication scheme for information is a requirement for all public bodies, including higher education institutions, under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

This Act promotes greater openness and accountability across the public sector by requiring all public authorities to make information available proactively, through a publication scheme.

For the period 2005-08 Norwich adopted the model publication scheme developed for the higher education sector. Since 1st January 2009, the University has been required with all public sector organisations to use the generic publication scheme developed by the Information Commissioner’s Office.

The kind of information HEIs are expected to make available is contained in the IOC Definition Document for Universities.

Please note that some information may be considered exempt from disclosure by the Act so does not have to be provided. In particular, personal information relating to individual members of staff and students will not be disclosed where this could breach the Data Protection Act, and the FOIA exempts from publication documents whose disclosure may damage the commercial interests of the institution.

The Norwich University data protection policy clarifies in relation to the above Definition Document the information we release and the format in which this normally available. By providing information on our website, Norwich University offers information free of charge. Where alternative forms of documents are requested, we reserve the right to charge a fee to cover publishing and production costs.

Please note that a publication scheme relates to ‘published’ information, and therefore material covered has already been prepared in a format ready for distribution, and material intended for future publication is not included.

By accessing the links below, you will be able to see a brief summary of the information currently available online, grouped under our Publication Scheme 2005-08 classification of information, and also be able to search a database of Norwich University of the Arts documents that we publish online.


Discover how Norwich University is governed and how decisions are made, including legal status, functional responsibilities and the overall structure of the organisation.


Information on Norwich’s strategy and management of human and physical resources.


Information about how the University provides support to the student experience and how information is held.

Teaching and Research

Information regarding the management of teaching and research activities within Norwich.

External Relations

Information relating to Norwich’s relationship with its external environment.

Data Protection

Information about our Data Protection policies.

Freedom of Information Act Enquiries

Any queries relating to Norwich University of the Arts’ Publication Scheme should be addressed to:

Information and Resources Office, Norwich University of the Arts, Francis House, 3-7 Redwell Street, Norwich, NR2 4SN

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