Norwich University of the Arts is committed to protecting the privacy and security of personal information. This includes the personal data of our staff, students and other third parties. This data protection policy sets out the minimum standards we must comply with.
Data protectionQuality Assurance Agency checks how UK universities and colleges maintain the standard of their higher education provision.
QAAThe Degree Outcomes Statement describes our ongoing commitment to maintaining academic standards. It outlines how we meet the expectations for standards set out within the UK Quality Code and the Office for Students’ ongoing conditions of registration (B4 and B5) that relate to protecting the value of qualifications.
The University was established as an independent higher education institution under Section 121 of the Education Reform Act 1988, and is a recognised body with taught degree awarding powers.
The University’s Access and Participation Plan sets out our commitment to ensuring fair access for students from underrepresented backgrounds.
We are experienced in building and maintaining strong partnerships through course validations, articulations and progression opportunities.
The Freedom of Information Act fully came into force on 1 January 2005.
The Chancellor is the leading ambassador and ceremonial head of the University, and serve as its most senior public face.
In March 2015 the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) published advice for higher education providers to help them comply with their consumer law obligations.
We believe that equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) is integral to a successful place of work and study.
Information on the University’s Finances.
Read more about University financial statements and regulations
The Vice-Chancellor and the Senior Team manage the University and lead on key strategies and projects.
Adopting a publication scheme for information is a requirement for all public bodies, including higher education institutions, under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.