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Creative Education MA

Our MA in Creative Education is a two-year top-up qualification* that will enable you to develop expertise in the field of teaching and learning through critical evaluation of research and pedagogical practices.

Key information

How to Apply
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Our MA Creative Education is a two-year top-up Level 7 award that is designed specifically to build on your previous study of a related Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE), Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education (PGCHE), or attainment of Advance HE Fellowship (Descriptor 2).

Successful applicants will already have attained key pedagogic skills and experiences. The MA Creative Education will build on these to explore the wider landscape of contemporary learning and teaching.

Building on your previous study of a related Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education (PGCHE) or attainment of Advance HE Fellowship (Descriptor 2) Our MA Creative Education offers a comprehensive understanding of the contemporary landscape of creative Higher Education (HE). This course supports you to develop your knowledge of relevant pedagogies, integrate educational theory with your teaching practice and gain new insights into creative education, your own specialist subject, and the broader realm of Higher Education.

The course equips you with the skills you need to apply your learning to your teaching practice; making the learning experience directly relevant to your career goals. The MA Creative Education is designed to advance your skills as an independent learner, with a strong emphasis on providing the necessary support and guidance for your professional development. We will support you to manage and plan your independent study time as you become an increasingly autonomous learner/practitioner. This ensures that you feel reassured and confident in your learning journey.

Course delivery

The MA Creative Education programme is delivered entirely online, featuring a combination of synchronous group sessions using Microsoft Teams. Sessions take place in the early evening on a set day of the week during term time from September to August. Group sessions are interspersed with individual online tutorials and independent study time. All students have access to resources on the University’s Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) and library website. This highly interactive learning model accommodates a variety of learning styles and is designed to build on your existing professional and life experiences. You will be taught by active educators, practitioners, and researchers with expertise in creative education.

Course details

The MA Creative Education comprises five related, but independent 20-credit units at level 7 (M-level), plus a 40-credit research project in the final year. Units are delivered and assessed over a series of teaching blocks and consist of a total of 600 learning hours per year: 200 for each 20-credit unit and 400 for the final dissertation.

Year 1

The first part-time year comprises three 20-credit units that build on the 60 credits represented by your previous PGCHE/PGCE or Advance HE Fellowship. Extending your engagement with continuing professional development, the MA Creative Education focuses on the wider context of creative arts pedagogy including the history of radical progressive approaches in art schools worldwide.

Learning is a complex process influenced by various psychological and pedagogic models that shape our contemporary understanding. This unit will introduce you to influential models such as behaviourism, constructivism, experiential learning, and critical pedagogy, exploring the philosophies and epistemologies behind them and their implications for teaching practice. You will reflect on and critique your own pedagogic practice through different teaching philosophies, identifying the advantages and disadvantages of alternative models and analysing the origins and implicit values of your existing approach. You are expected to actively research beyond theoretical materials, delving deeper into areas of particular interest and familiarizing yourself with the debates and discourse around them.

This unit explores the history of creative education with a global perspective but a focus on the UK. Through a series of lectures, workshops and activities you will be tracing its roots from the 16th century Academies of Rome and Paris through to the formalisation of higher education in the twentieth century. You will learn about the key institutions, philosophies, and legislation that shaped today’s landscape. This will include some of the political and legislative events that have shaped the sector including the Coldstream and Summerson reports, the Dearing Report and the Teaching & Higher Education Act 1998. This unit will develop your historical knowledge of approaches to creative education and equip you to think critically about contemporary discourses and arguments. Through reflection and experimentation, you will gain greater insights into the implicit assumptions and values of your own teaching practice.

This unit will require you to take charge of your own learning and navigate a collaborative project with support and facilitation from the course team. You will gain direct experience of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) as you work together to investigate a contemporary issue within the creative Higher Education sector, leading to a final group presentation that will be an opportunity to propose solutions to a public audience within the university. You will be expected to become familiar with some of the Higher Education sector’s main channels of communication, and to develop an awareness of current policy discussions. This unit is an example of co-creation through collaboration, and you will be expected to manage the complexities of a group research project, developing your interpersonal and professional project management skills.

Year 2

Year 2 of the MA Creative Education consists of a 20-credit unit introducing you to academic research and a 40-credit desk-based or action research project, which is the culmination of your experience on the course.

Carrying out academic research is an essential part of a Lecturer’s activities within Higher Education. On this unit you will learn about the range of research activity that takes place within creative practice, from practice-based enquiry through to publishing in journals and participating in conferences. As academic journals play an important role in research you will be taken through the peer-review process and investigate the house-styles of leading journals, including citations and the construction of an academic bibliography. You will undertake a general survey of academic journals and compare some of their differing demands in terms of form, style and content, identifying those which are most appropriate for your own discipline and interests. You will be encouraged to try out contrasting methodologies to compare the kinds of outcomes they generate. You will explore research methodologies, dissemination, and think about impact within and beyond academia.

The Major Research Project is the culminating part of MA Creative Education and builds on the taught units of your course so far. It will deepen your understanding of educational research, and the strengths and challenges of carrying out sustained research in education that reflects your own professional priorities. Through researching an aspect of professional practice within your own subject specialism or professional practice, you will be challenged to enrich your knowledge of relevant education-related issues. You may have developed your ideas during earlier units and can build on key points during your research. The subject of your research will be of significant importance to you and your professional practice. There is the freedom to determine your own agenda in negotiation with the course team, and the opportunity to contribute to best practice and pedagogic research within your own institution.

Learning and teaching

The course is delivered through a variety of engaging learning and teaching methods.

  • Lectures

  • Seminars

  • Tutorials

  • Technical labs

  • Independent and group work


Our assessment methods will vary based on the unit you choose and provide a comprehensive measure of your learning and progress. These methods may include:

  • Critically reflective essay
  • Course work
  • Presentations
  • Learning journal
  • Reflective evaluation
  • Body of creative work
  • Reflective research report
  • Team project evaluation
  • Major project
  • Supporting documentation

Here to help you succeed

The UK’s creative sector is thriving, contributing £111.7 billion annually to the economy and offering over 2 million jobs.

Employability and career development are integral to every unit of our courses, ensuring students are well-prepared for the industry. Our students go on to secure exciting roles, launch successful businesses, and make a lasting impact in many sectors worldwide.

From day one, you’ll also get specialist career advice from our Business and Employability Team to help support you as you plan your career.

A photograph of a lecturer sat with a student in the graphics studio space, talking over a project on a laptop

Typical career paths

Gaining a Master’s in Creative Education will open up a wide range of career opportunities in the field of education and arts education, including senior academic roles, coaching and mentoring, or educational positions within the gallery sector. You may also wish to continue your studies through the completion of a PhD.

  • Doctoral study
  • Subject specialist tutor
  • Curriculum designer
  • Educational researcher
  • Senior fellowship of the Higher Education Academy

Entry Requirements

Our MA Creative Education is a two-year top-up Level 7 award that is designed specifically to build on your previous study of a related Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE), Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education (PGCHE), or attainment of Advance HE Fellowship (Descriptor 2).

Successful applicants will already have attained key pedagogic skills and experiences. The MA Creative Education will build on these to explore the wider landscape of contemporary learning and teaching.


How to apply

Applications to our postgraduate courses should be made directly to Norwich University of the Arts using a Postgraduate Application Form.
Postgraduate Application Form — Word Document 2025-26 (212kb)

Applications should be returned to

Please see our Terms and Conditions and Admissions Policies for further details.

Postgraduate applicants can only apply directly by completing the below online application form or emailing the downloadable form to

Online Postgraduate Application Form International Postgraduate Application Form

International students requiring a visa should apply as soon as possible in the year they wish to start. Email our International Team for more information.

Please see our Terms and Conditions and Admissions Policies for further details

Postgraduate open days

Get a taste of life at Norwich, learn more about our courses, our campus and meet the creators and makers you’ll be learning from.

A photograph of a seminar room at Norwich University of the Arts, where an academic is giving a welcome presentation to visitors at an Open Day.

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