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A photo of Neville Brody giving a lecture to Norwich graphic students.
A portrait photo of graphic designers Neville Brody. The image is of Neville directly addressing the camera in natural day light.
A photo of Neville Brody giving a lecture in Duke Street. The lecture theatre is full of students and staff.

Neville Brody inspires: A design journey unfolds at Norwich University of The Arts

Renowned graphic designer, typographer and art director, Neville Brody recently visited Norwich University of The Arts to share his wealth of knowledge in an insightful talk.


A portrait photo of graphic designers Neville Brody. The image is of Neville directly addressing the camera in natural day light.

Neville was the creative force behind iconic publications such as The Face Magazine, and founded design agency Brody Associates in 2014. He is globally recognised as one of the most esteemed and influential graphic designers in the field working alongside international brands, record labels and publications such as Apple, BBC and GQ Magazine.

“If you take art out of design, you’re left with engineering.”

Neville Brody

In a captivating lecture, Neville explored the profound relevance and evolution of graphic design offering a thought provoking perspective on the value of traditional and hands-on techniques. He stressed the idea that true originality doesn’t come from looking at other people’s designs. Instead, he urged the students to carve out their own unique paths in the world of graphic design, through making mistakes and experimentation. Finally, Neville took the students on a journey of his own progression, showcasing his work from when he was a student himself to the present day.

A photo of Neville Brody giving a lecture in Duke Street. The lecture theatre is full of students and staff.

A photo of Neville Brody in Duke Street lecture theatre. The image shows a large group of people listening to his talk.

“The talk from Neville Brody left me feeling encouraged to pursue my design practice in an authentically ‘human’ way; to experiment and play with physical means rather than primarily digital methods. Neville Brody said ‘mistakes are about evolution’ and this resonates greatly with me. ”

Jade Borley, BA (Hons) Design for Publishing student

A photo of Neville Brody talking to Norwich graphic students.


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