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photo of Norwich University of the Arts St Georges building on a backdrop of clouds
Colourful messy paint pots in the Norwich University of the Arts print studio

How the Norwich University community is responding to Covid-19

Read all the latest information on Covid-19.


How is teaching and learning working at Norwich?

We put the health of students and staff at the heart of our decisions while making sure high-quality teaching continues. All our campus spaces are currently open.

Students attend campus to create and make in our studios, labs and workshops — developing creative practice is at the core of every discipline at Norwich.

From the start of the 2021-22 academic year, teaching and learning has been a blend of on-campus (face-to-face) and digital timetabled sessions and this will continue in 2022-23.  See our Learning and Teaching pages for more information on how we teach our courses.

A booking system allows for an easy and flexible way to book access to the campus facilities and workspaces that are needed outside of timetabled sessions.

What steps has Norwich taken to make the campus as safe as possible?

As a community, we all play our part in minimising the risk of catching and spreading Covid-19. At present the UK Government has removed any restrictions in England, and the University does not require people to wear facemasks while on campus, but fully respects the wishes of people who still wish to do so. We will continue to advise people on sensible steps to reduce the risk of spreading the virus, such as ventilation throughout the campus and taking additional precautions in crowded spaces.

Obviously, in the event that government guidelines change, we will be ready to implement additional safety measures and to advise people on what to do if this should happen.

How has Norwich supported students in need?

Taking care of everyone’s mental health and well-being in the Norwich community is a priority.

All Norwich students have access to our Student Support services during the week.

We continue to run a programme of well-being events, including our Need to Know online programme, and Winterfest — which helps draw our community together in the winter months through virtual events such as yoga or Pilates through learning new arts and crafts to visiting speakers. Both are run in collaboration with the Students’ Union at Norwich.

What advice can you give international students about travel arrangements?

We have been supporting our community of international students throughout the pandemic — doing everything we can to support their learning and help them maintain close contact with friends and family at home and with the Norwich community.

As travel guidance has changed regularly during the pandemic, and continues to do so in different countries at different times, the best advice is always to check the UK Government website before making travel arrangements.

Last updated 15 August, 2022


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